micro /macro
sound recording of ants, bats, ocean
Vikštejn /CZ/ 2015

Adina Bar-On Pracownia nr.6 4'33
jam session jam session John Cage
Nietoperze, sowy Lepkie ręce Ściany szumów
nagrania Wolszczak Jakub, Matěj
Kamila, Matěj Domofonia urodziny U
2 szkola Hlukové stěny Grain synth
rysunek, ruch, oddych Jakub, Matěj, CIF#2 pracownia 1/2

A game with observation, objectivity, participation, changing of roles - who observes and who is observed. Searching the nuances between observation, monitoring, vouyerism, narcissism, acting.
The viewer becomes a part of a live projection devided into nine sections. Every section screens the same, but with different delays. The work invites to get lost in relativity and uncertainity of the space, time (no sequence, points on the timeline are unstable), and the information (although the screens are all the same, thier multiplication and irregular changes of what, when and where, cause that chaos). Objectivity becomes relativity.

more informations = more desorientation
The sound makes the distortion of the image. The greater the noise, the greater the distorsion. Steps, chats, opening the doors, passing tram... Live interactive audiovisual instalation